寶石魚 Jade Perch

Nutritional value of Jade Perch
low cholesterol
low calorie
low fat
high protein
high calcium
high collagen
寶石魚又名為澳洲寶石鱸,因為魚身出現黑色閃亮的圓斑,體色銀亮,宛如鑲嵌在魚身的黑寶石,因此稱之為「寶石魚」。原產地為澳洲,亦是昆士蘭地區重要淡水魚類之一。 它最早由海水魚演變而成,所以既保持了淡水魚的嫩滑,又有海水魚的鮮美。肉多刺少,肉質細緻彈牙。
Why choose Jade Perch?
Jade Perch was also known as the Australian Jade Perch. Because of the silvery body color, and the black and shiny round spots on the fish body, like a black gem embedded in the fish body, so it is called "Jade Perch". It originated from Australia and is one of the important freshwater fish in Queensland. It was first evolved from seawater fish, so it not only maintains the tenderness of freshwater fish, but also the deliciousness and freshness of seawater fish. With more meat and less bones, the taste is delicate and chewy.
How to cook delicious Jade Perch?
寶石魚 1條
薑片 20克
蔥段 20克
蔥花 適量
1. 魚刮鱗然後開肚,蔥段薑片墊底。
2. 大火蒸熟(以8兩為例,7-8分鐘)。
3· 煮熟後加入蔥花並淋上滾油,再加上蒸魚豉油。
Steamed Jade Perch
1 Jade Perch
20g ginger slices
20g shredded spring onion
Appropriate amount of shredded green onion (flower shape)
Steamed Fish Soy Sauce (put separately)

1. Scrape the scales of the fish and then open the belly, with the ginger slices and the shredded green onion on the bottom.
2. Steam over high heat (E.g., 7-8 minutes for 8-tael fish).
3. After cooking, add shredded green onion and boiling oil, then add steamed fish soy sauce.

寶石魚 1條
薑片 20克
薑粒 10克
蒜粒 10克
蔥段 20克
指天椒 4條
豆瓣醬 1湯匙
蠔油 1湯匙
冰糖 5克
生抽 適量
老抽 適量
水 150毫升
紹興酒 30克
生粉 適量
蔥花 少許
鹽 適量
1. 先在魚身加上鹽,抓出粘液同血水,減低腥味,然後用水洗淨。
2. 加入紹興酒,在魚身塗抹均勻,然後加上薑片和蔥段並塞進魚肚裏。醃製10分鐘,然後拿走薑蔥,烘乾魚的水份。
3. 熱鍋冷油(先開大火把鍋燒熱,微微感覺冒煙才倒入油,快速的輕輕搖晃鍋身,將油均勻分布在鍋內後,再把多餘的油倒出來)。
4. 然後鍋邊耍鹽,放魚煎至基本定形及金黃色,煎好倒岀備用。
5. 再次熱鍋冷油(先開大火把鍋燒熱,微微感覺冒煙才倒入油,快速的輕輕搖晃鍋身,將油均勻分布在鍋內後,再把多餘的油倒出來)。
6. 然後放薑粒、蒜粒、指天椒粒和豆瓣醬於鍋中,炒至岀紅油,再加入水煮滾。加上蠔油和生抽,然後加上老抽做色,再加冰糖,煮滾後放魚再煮8分鐘直至入味(過程中把汁倒在魚身)。
7. 煮好後把魚拿岀並放上碟,把水分煮乾,讓湯汁濃縮。然後加入生粉水並倒上魚身,最後加入蔥花。
Braised Jade Perch
1 Jade Perch
20 g ginger slices
10 g diced ginger
10 g diced garlic
20 g shredded green onion
4 cone peppers
1 tablespoon bean paste
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
5g rock sugar
Appropriate amount of soy sauce
Moderate amount of dark soy sauce
150ml water
30g Shaoxing wine
Appropriate amount of potato starch
a little shredded green onion
appropriate amount of salt

1. First add salt to the fish body, grab out the mucus and blood to reduce the fishy smell, and then wash with water.
2. Add Shaoxing wine and spread evenly on the fish, then add sliced ginger and shredded green onion and stuff it into the fish belly. Marinate for 10 minutes, then remove the ginger and green onion, and dry the water from the fish.
3. Heat the pot with cold oil (first turn on the high heat to heat the pot, and then pour in the oil when you feel a slight smoke, shake the pot lightly and quickly, to evenly distribute the oil on the pot, then pour out the excess oil).
4. Then sprinkle salt on the side of the pot and fry the fish until it forms a basic shape and becomes golden brown. Take it out for later use after frying.
5. Heat the pot with cold oil again (turn on the high heat to heat the pot first, and then pour in the oil when you feel a slight smoke, shake the pot lightly and quickly, to distribute the oil evenly on the pot, and then pour out the excess oil).
6. Then put diced ginger, diced garlic, diced cone pepper and bean paste on the pot, and fry until the red oil appears. Then add water and bring to a boil. Add oyster sauce and light soy sauce accordingly, then add dark soy sauce for color. Next add rock sugar and bring to a boil. After the water boils, put the fish in for another 8 minutes to taste (pour the source on the fish during the process).
7. After cooking, remove the fish and put it on a plate, boil the water dry and make the soup concentrate. Then pour potato starch water over the fish, finally add shredded green onion.

寶石魚 3條 (約 2斤)
酸菜 1包 (切條,酸菜水留用)
大豆芽 70克 (去根)
薯粉 40克
乾辣椒 10條
泡椒 10條
花椒 1茶匙
薑末、蒜末各 2茶匙
芫茜 2茶匙
油 2茶匙
鮮魚湯 500毫升
滾水 500毫升
薑 4片
鹽 少許
白醋 2-3湯匙 (按個人喜好加減)
調味雞汁 4茶匙
薑末 1茶匙
米酒 1大匙
白胡椒粉 ½ 茶匙
1. 魚洗淨。魚骨及魚頭留用,魚肉切片。
2. 魚片加醃料醃15分鐘。
3. 大火燒熱油,下薑片爆香,然後下魚骨和魚頭略煎至金黃色。
4. 加入滾水和鮮魚湯500ml,中火煮20分鐘,取出魚骨和魚頭。
5. 大火燒熱另一鍋,下油、薑末、蒜末、泡椒、乾辣椒和泡椒炒香。
6. 加入步驟 4的魚湯,下大豆芽、薯粉和酸菜 (連酸菜水),小火煮8分鐘至薯粉軟身。
7. 下魚片煮至熟透。
8. 按個人喜好加入白醋和鹽,下芫茜後即可享用。
Sauerkraut Jade Perch
3 Jade Perch(about 2 catties)
Sauerkraut 1 packet (cut into strips, reserved pickled cabbage water)
Soybean sprouts 70g (roots removed)
Potato starch noodles 40 grams
Dried chilli 10
Pickled peppers 10
Sichuan pepper 1 teaspoon
Minced ginger, minced garlic 2 teaspoons each
Coriander 2 teaspoons
Oil 2 teaspoons
Soup base
Fresh fish soup 500ml
Boiling water 500ml
Ginger 4 slices
Salt a little
White vinegar 2-3 tablespoons (add or subtract according to personal preference)

Seasoned Chicken Sauce 4 teaspoons
Minced ginger 1 teaspoon
Rice wine 1 tablespoon
White pepper ½ teaspoon
1. Clean the fish. Reserve the fish bone and fish head and slice the fish meat.
2. Marinate the fish fillets with the marinade for 15 minutes.
3. Heat oil over high heat, fry ginger slices until fragrant, then fry fish bones and fish heads until golden brown.
4. Add boiling water and 500ml of fresh fish soup, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Remove the fish bones and heads.
5. Heat another pot over high heat, add oil, minced ginger, minced garlic, pickled peppers, and dried chilli and Sichuan pepper until fragrant.
6. Add in the fish soup from step 4, add soybean sprouts, potato starch noodles and sauerkraut (with sauerkraut water), cook on low heat for 8 minutes until the potato flour is soft.
7. Add in the fillets until cooked through.
8. Add white vinegar and salt according to personal preference, add the coriander and enjoy.

寶石魚 一條
黑麻油 5湯匙
老薑片 30克
龍眼乾 40克
枸杞 20克
甘草片 10克
本菇 50克
蔥花 少許
米酒 300毫升
水 200毫升
鹽 1茶匙
1. 先把枸杞甘草片放入米酒, 並浸泡半小時。
2. 將魚刮鱗,並斬件。
3. 黑麻油倒入鍋中,細火煎香姜片再落魚煎香,然後倒入有枸杞和甘草片的米酒,並轉大火煮滾,再加入本菇,後加水、鹽和龍眼乾,上碟後加少許蔥花。
Herb-flavored Jade Perch
1 Jade Perch
5 tablespoon black sesame oil
30g old ginger slices
40g dried longan
20g wolfberry
10g liquorice slices
50g marmoreal mushroom
a little shredded green onion
300ml rice wine
200ml water
1 teaspoon salt
1. Put wolfberry and liquorice slices in rice wine and soak for half an hour.
2. Scrape the fish scales and cut into pieces.
3. Pour the black sesame oil into the pot and fry the ginger slices on a low heat, then pour the fish and fry until fragrant, then pour in the rice wine with the wolfberry and the liquorice slices, and bring to a boil, then add the marmoreal mushrooms, and then add water, next salt and after that dried longan, finally put some shredded green onion after cooking.

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